What better way to keep your bouquet than to have it beautifully framed on your wall as a work of art? Pressed Rose Studio will preserve your flowers and artistically place them into a shadow box of your choice, using assemblage design techniques, giving you a truly one of a kind 3-dimensional floral display to cherish from your wedding day.
Personalized Signature Forever Loved Bouquet Box
$475.00 Regular Price
$451.25Sale Price
Frame Color
Your Order Includes:
- Complimentary Design Consultation (optional)
- Bouquet Preservation
- 2 Personalization Items
- Floral Assemblage
- Shadow Box Display featuring a clear glass window and sawtooth hanger installed on the back (Dimensions: 11"x14")
Shadow Box Colors: Pure Elegance (white), Rustic Romantic (honey brown), Boho Breeze (cream), Black Tie (black)